DALPHIL DUNAMIS LIMITED was established in 2008 to provide best technologies, products and services to the health/safety, education, agriculture and power sectors by a team of scientists, engineers, and Pharmacists with varying experiences in the sectors.
Our Office
We are Located at 14 Fadeyi Aladura street, Ikejalagos. We also have sales representatives in the different zones in Nigeria.
Our Interest
To provide various unique technological solutions, products and services to the various sectors with real-time delivery and support.
Our People
We are now made up of scientists, Pharmacists, medical practitioners, Engineers, and other Professionals who are very interested in delivering the best quality in technology to the sectors.
Mission & Vision
To continually be the provider of innovative products to the sectors that we serve and adequately cover the regions we serve with real time support.
To be the best provider of innovative technology with real-time support.
Our customers
Our customers comprise of Educational institutions, medical institutions, teaching hospitals, private hospitals, regulatory bodies, research institutions, manufacturing companies, and NGOs. etc. We partner with various manufacturers, distributors, scientists, and professionals from countries around the world to provide comprehensive solutions to customers’ needs.